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Главная » 2009 » Март » 14 » Guntram's Tabletweaving Thingy
Guntram's Tabletweaving Thingy
Для тех, кто увлекается плетением на дощечках имеется специальная программка для создания узоров Guntram's Tabletweaving Thingy, что, собственно, и представляю. Кстати, на сайте есть статья об этом виде рукоделия, можно посмотреть здесь. Думаю, поклонники этого искусства будут довольны. Описание к программе смотрим дальше.

Some of the recent additions and changes to GTT:
(details can also be found under the About | Revisions menu item in GTT)
- Added a selvedge generator for double-face and twill patterns. The selvedge tablets can be set up via the Edit | Selvedges menu item, or via the tool button next to the Card Setup button. Note that the selvedge generator only permits selvedges with tablets being turned forwards continuously.
- Added a check to the Join function to prevent twill patterns with different background twill from being joined to each other. Also fixed a small bug that caused the background twill to be always set to S-twill, regardless of the source pattern's twill direction.
- Updated the twill designer so that long floats can be set by left-clicking and dragging the mouse.
- Changed the block pattern designers so that when the orientation is changed, the snapshot moves into the same orientation. Alternatively, the panel can be fixed in a specific position (see Settings | Layout).
- Fixed an oversight in the twill designer - the 'Undo' function did not handle the long float markers properly.
- Added a button for clearing the ground weave of a brocade pattern. The button is located to the left of the Undo button.
- Added an option to the multi-colour doubleface designer for setting up the cards in the default configuration for 3-colour doubleface. The button is located on the left-hand panel below the palette.
- Added configuration (under Settings | System) for the font size when printing a pattern.
- Added configurations for the default layout of twist-patterned designs. The options can be found on the new Twist-Patterned tab in the Settings.
- Added option for generating a twist-patterned design using either twists of the cards or a change in the turning direction. This option can be set on the Twist-Patterned tab in the Settings.
- Astonishingly, the doubleface and twill patterns never included palette details; when the pattern was loaded the default palette was automatically used. I have changed this so that the palette details are saved together with the rest of the pattern.

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